Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Buying Decision - Sigma SD15 vs Nikon and Canon

I must share my thought with you about my buying decisions. First I opted for the Sigma SD15. The most amazing aspect of the new Sigma SD15 DSLR camera is the Foveon X3 sensor, that really shines in terms of image sharpness and color production. I mean, wherever I look at Sigma SD15 sample images taken with the Sigma SD15, I am blown away with the sharpness and overall image quality of that

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sigma SD15 Review with Sample Pictures in different ISO Settings

I've just came across a Sigma SD15 review in Japanese, but you can translate it using Google translator online. The Sigma SD15 review includes sample images taken with up to ISO 3200. This is the first full review about the Sigma SD15 that I've seen since the announcement that the new Sigma will be shipped world wide pretty soon, around July 2010. If you are thinking about buying the new Sigma

Sigma SD15 ISO 3200 Sample Image

I have been searching for a High ISO settings images of the Sigma SD15, and I have found a 3200 ISO sample image taken with the Sigma SD15. I wanted to hear you opinion of the noise/image quality taken with the Sigma SD15 DSLR camera, and if you can tell me if there are any improvements over the SD14.

Link to the photo here

Sigma SD15 High ISO in Low Light Conditions Compared to Competition

One of the reason that I have been thinking of buying the new Sigma SD15, is that Sigma has incorporated the Foveon X3 sensor in its DSLR cameras line. The advantage of the Foveon sensor over the Bayer sensor are pretty huge in terms of image quality. I know that some of you are favor of the Bayer sensor, or actually prefer a Bayer sensor on a better DSLR body, instead of a Foveon sensor on a

Should I buy the Sigma SD15 DSLR Camera or go for the Nikon D300s instead?

I currently don't have any DSLR camera, but I intend to buy a new one pretty soon. I was looking towards buying the new Sigma SD15, the replacement for the older Sigma DS14 DSLR camera with the Foveon X3 sensor. The problem is that I can't find reviews or relevant posts with a in-depth comparison of image quality between the Sigma SD15 and SD14. I have seen some sample images taken with the Sigma